At the Pack meeting on Friday, November 15, Pack 106 continued the tradition of giving to those whom are less fortunate. Each den donated items to be placed in a Thanksgiving Basket such as canned vegetables, boxed stuffing, and gravy. The Pack itself donated $25 gift cards to Stop & Shop so that each family could purchase a turkey. This is only possible through the hard work of our boys and the money they raised selling popcorn. In total, the Pack was able to put together 16 baskets to be donated to families in need the Thanksgiving Holiday. We all should be very proud!
Leaders also handed out various belt loops, pins and Webelos awards. We would like to say congratulations to all the boys who have been working so hard to earn all of these!
In addition to the wonderful awards, Mrs. Francese, one of our delightful Popcorn Queens, gave the boys a presentation about where we stand in terms of the popcorn sales. Well, suffice it to say the boys were very ecstatic to learn that they WILL be going snow tubing this winter! “AWESOME” was the word heard loud and clear in the church hall! In other popcorn news, we learned that Pack 106 is the TOP SELLING Pack/Troop in all Mohegan Council. WOW!!! Excellent job Cub Scouts!!!
On Sunday, pack 106 also participated in a Pack hike to the West Boylston Rail Trail. Even though it drizzled a little bit of rain, it wasn’t enough to deter the boys and adults from taking a nice and easy flat five mile hike/walk. Don’t forget, make sure to keep track of pack or den hikes you attend to earn your hiking awards!
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