Author Archives: admin
Treasure Valley 2016
Our spring campout is a perennial favorite with the boys – and this year was no exception.
The morning got off a good start with sock decoration and sock throwing (throw the sock on the roof seemed to be a good game). The weather was perfect for a nice 3 mile hike around Browning Pond – and a relaxing lunch by the beach. In the afternoon there was time for fishing, bridge building (aka playing in the mud). Our scouts still had plenty of energy left over for relay races, sack races and a few bouts of tug-o-war.
It wouldn’t be a campout without dinner cooked on the campfire, s’mores, popcorn and a movie. It was a very cold night (the official temperature was 20 degrees) but everyone seemed to cope well – and we were all up nice and early for a hearty breakfast … I can’t wait until next year
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Blue and Gold Banquet 2016
STAR WARS! A theme the resonated with so many people and across generations at this year’s Blue and Gold Banquet. As part of the leadership group who helped plan this year’s B&G I can tell you we had lots of fun from the first planning meeting to the last. Finally as the day arrived, we got to see how much people embraced the theme with flying TIE Fighters, R2 units made out of waste buckets and other great centerpieces the set the stage for the banquet.
Cue the music (imagine the Star Wars theme here) To start the meeting who should walk in but Darth Vader, Chewbacca, Boba Fett, an X-Wing Pilot, a Storm Trooper, Kylo Ren and a Jedi Knight.
But of course the Blue and Gold Banquet not about the theme but is one of those times that is both joyful and sad at the same time. It is the time that we celebrate the birth of scouting, the accomplishments of our scouts but then need to say goodbye to those moving on. It is with great pride that we see these boys move from the world of Cub Scouts as an AOL to become Boy Scouts. A whole new world of scouting is opening up to them and their families. The pride of achievement showed in each boy as they received their arrows freshly shot into a target and again as they crossed over to become part of their new troop. Besides the boys leaving us we also had to say goodbye to some great leaders.
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