Pack Hike
Busy Weekend
The Scouts of Pack 106 are off to a busy start. On Friday we had our first Pack Meeting of the year with the Pack welcoming its new Scouts and a New Cub Master, Mark Benoit. The outgoing Cubmaster, Lewis Alderton was presented with a gift from the Pack Committee thanking him for his more than three years as Cubmaster. Mr. Alderton is taking over as Scout Master for Boy Scout Troop 106 and will remain on as an assistant Cub Master for the Pack. Entertainment was provided b…y Ooch, who was a Hit!!!! On Saturday, Cubmaster Benoit and Tiger Den Leader John Anderson took our new Tiger Den on a one mile hike behind the North Grafton Elementary School. The Tigers learned about nature and completed most of two Tiger Adventures while earning one mile for their hiking totals. On Sunday the boys worked toward their popcorn sales goals by participating in our first of three Stop and Shop Show and Sells. Keep up the good work boys!!!!!!